Wednesday, April 15, 2009


A HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my Mom and Dad. Mom's day was March 19 and Dad's day is today. I guess I could mention that mine was last week on the 8th.

I celebrate all three of ours in my own personal way. You see, I lost my mom on September 4, 1969 when I was only 5 years old. Then I lost my dad on July 21, 1970 and I was only 6 years old. I went to live with my grandparents (dad's parents). They were the best grandparents in the world. I'll be posting about them another time, tho. Today is a day to celebrate our birthday's. I tend to pick April 15th to celebrate. I think it's because of being the last day of tax day and I hate to think about tax day. Taxes have been on my mind for 2 1/2 months and I don't want to think about it no more!!!(lol)

My dad was the second child for my grandparents and their only boy. He was momma's boy and his sister was daddy's girl. He was born at 12:10 pm on April 15, 1942. Happy Birthday Dad

My mom was the 7th child for her parents. And then there was 2 more after her. How my grandma took care of all of them I don't know. Mom was born at 10:45 pm on March 19, 1942. Happy Birthday Mom.

Me, I was the second child for my parents. Born at 8:34 am on April 8, 1964. My parents first child was a boy born 2 years before me but passed away shortly after birth. Hey, how about a big Happy Birthday to Me!!!

Here's a couple more pictures of my Mom and Dad.

Look at that hair!! What about that t.v.? (ha,ha) The picture above the t.v. is me. Mom was only 5'2"(5'5" with that hair) and weighed maybe 90lbs. Tiny little thing. My daughter takes after her. I wish I did.(lol)

Look at that handsome man!!!! (My son has that same widows-peak.) I'm surprised he didn't have a cigarette hanging out of his mouth. I'll bet Mom made sure he didn't. (ha,ha) As tiny as my mom was, she could really push this 6'2" 200lb man around. (lol)

I also need to say Happy Birthday to a couple more people. My cousins daughter (dads grand niece), Jessica, was born on this day. Jessica is expecting her second baby sometime in May. I think she's 24 today. And my husbands cousin, Daryll, turned 51 today. Happy Birthday you guys.

FYI: Midnight is the deadline. Have you all sent in your taxes!!!

Cindy (tinta)


  1. CINDY, Thanks for coming by. Yes, bottle feeding is a chore and it seems to go on and on.
    Right now they are in the house in a playpen because it is pouring down rain.

    Happy Birthday to everyone in your family that is having one.

  2. Good Morning! I am late on your birthday - but Happy Birthday! (can you get too many well wishes?)

    I have to tell you after reading your post a couple of weeks ago, that YOU have made me a lot more tolerant with my own mother - so thank you for that!!! Family is a wonderful thing isn't it?

    I hope you are having a beautiful week! :-)
    Happy Mother's Day!!!
